Monday 22 August 2011

Week 3- Production Company Logo

To help me further refine my logo, i looked up already existing production company logo's for inspiration.
I found that many are very simple and are re-vamped over time.

My final logo is simple is clean. I created my logo using different stroke weights and angles. The type I chose to compliment my illustration was Bank Gothic as this typeface possesses many design elements that my logo uses.

Ta da!!! 

Story Treatment- 
A laid back musician sat down on his couch and began to enlighten me with his story. “You see that red bike outside?” he began, with a glint in his eye. “It might look old but I assure you, it’s still a flawless ride; that bike molded me into who I am today.”
He began to sip his untouched coffee that rested on a wooden table as he paused to reminisce and con- template his words. I was curious. The silence only echoed the creak of the chair as I leaned forward to ask him questions.
“What posses a man to go out and ‘collect’ all this rubbish?” I wondered if my bluntness angered him, but he merely smiled. “Well I don’t see it as rubbish” He began, pausing as he adopted a thoughtful tone. “I see it as something abandon, a forgotten entity, but still full of life.” He
sat back and sipped his coffee, pausing once again as if to find the right words to explain himself. “Its not always easy doing what I do... sometimes you find remarkable things that are just to heavy to carry out on your own. My neighbour, his a good friend of mine his helped me out a lot, driving around with me and helping me carry things up the stairs, like this couch for example.”
Listening to his stories, I became conscious of at least one notion on hand. This hobby brought a cer- tain happiness to this musicians life. These objects, seemed to resonate between each memory and en- rich his own life, but also enriched mine as I further examined the room realizing that “to understand is to experience harmony between what we aim at and what is given.” – Merleau Ponty

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